Hajime Matsushima Lecturer.


Hajime Matsushima


Graduate School/Research Faculty of Agriculture Research Faculty of Agriculture Fundamental AgriScience Research Agrobiology and Bioresources

Research field

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Horticulture

Major research field

From the perspective of landscape ecology and planning, I am pursuing research on human-nature interaction for a sustainable society focusing on ecosystem services and green infrastructure.

Expectations for students planning to participate in the PARE program

By actively engaging in discussions with other students from different countries, majors or cultural backgrounds, I would like you to build relationships through which you can learn from each another. The best part of this program is its diversity and the new encounters it generates. You will be expected to tackle PARE issues from multiple angles in cooperation with new friends. I truly hope you will be aware of various issues not only from the lectures, but also by yourself in the field and class.

Your most memorable school event thus far

I have been very impressed by the fact that alumni of PARE programs play an active role as supporters by planning exchange and other events in new school. Also, I always find it touching that students who were at first hesitant to express themselves in public begin to show confidence as the school draws to a close.

Expectations for expansion of the program going forward

Leveraging the advantages of online lectures, I would like to create a new style of program aimed at developing content that balances in-person lectures and practical training.