Tsubasa Otake Prof.
Tsubasa Otake
Graduate School/Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Sustainable Resources Engineering Resources Engineering
Research field
- Energy / Earth resource engineering, energy science
- Natural sciences / Space and planetary science
- Natural sciences / Solid earth science
Major research field
I specialize in economic geology and environmental geology. The aim of my research is to understand ore deposit formation processes and geological conditions to generate metal resources, such as base and critical metals, which could lead to develop efficient exploration indexes and elucidate elemental cycles in Earth’s surface environment. I have engaged in fieldwork for developing and undeveloped ore deposits in the Asian and African regions as well as in excavation surveys of submarine hydrothermal deposits located in Japan’s exclusive economic zone. In addition, I conduct environmental impact assessments involved in metal resource development and also promote more economical and sustainable ways to dispose of wastewater from pits harnessing natural force.
Expectations for students planning to participate in the PARE program
PARE, an interdisciplinary program in which students and faculty members from various disciplines including engineering, agriculture, environmental science and fisheries science participate, is aimed at putting forward comprehensive solutions to challenges facing river basins. Although collaborating with other students from different countries and majors is not always easy, it does enable you to gain a lot of awareness. This program is of course recommended for students who are interested in such interactions, but I also strongly encourage those who are currently engrossed in their studies and surveys but have little opportunity to interact with students in other disciplines to participate in this program so that you can expand your horizons.
Your most memorable school event thus far
After spending around two weeks together, the final day (on which final presentations are made and closing ceremonies are held) is always impressive. While it can be difficult to exchange ideas and prepare a group presentation within a limited amount of time, I am always inspired by the way everyone pulls everything together by the end. I think the best part of the program is the field work carried out over the course of one to several days. It is clear that everyone enjoys the scenery, meals and cultures they encounter out in the field despite having very little free time.
Expectations for expansion of the program going forward
In your future career, you will have more opportunities to work with specialists from other disciplines while pursuing your own specialized domain. I look forward to the students involved in the PARE program contributing to resolve various issues in our society. It is also my hope to work together with PARE alumni who become faculty members in university. We can then expand the spirit of PARE and the circle of friends and maybe promote new educational programs, and more.