Experiences of students

2019年度 NJE3

Experience in Short-term

Orlova Irina

Home University:Far Eastern Federal university

Graduate school: School of Humanities
Course・Year: Master Course 1
Period of time: 4 August 2019 ~26 August 2019
Host University: Hokkaido University
FY2019 Basic Subjects

Content of the report

This year I took part in Course “Anthropological field school” on the Rebun Island and the “East Russia-Japan expert education” program. The aim of the first course was to get knowledge about field work, indigenous archaeology, laboratory functions and aspects of the total station operations. During the second part of the course we had a lot of lectures about sustainable development, environment, ecology of the Far East and the Arctic Zone. We had professors both from Arctic research project and NASA project (these people helped to understand the way how Japanese people care about their nature and how important and close are international relationships).

Anthropological Field School on the Rebun Island

Anthropological Field School on the Rebun Island was held from the August 4th, 2019 till August the 24th, 2019. During this project everybody could explore the ancient site “Hamanaka 2”, it’s different cultural layers, such as: historical Ainu layer, Satsumon layer, Okhotsk layers, Zoku – Jomon Layer, Jomon Layer. Students were divided into two groups (A and B) to have more space on the excavation site and in the laboratory both, and day after day groups were changed between each other. I had the honor to excavate on the Zoku – Jomon Layer, the most “fruitful” layer on the site, I guess, as it was a workshop of the ancient people. Everyday I had about 70-80 finds of different kinds: little stone flakes, stone tools, bone tools (made from the bone of the marine animal- the arrow head, the harpoon head and something looks like a little spoon) and a fragments of the cord-ornamented ceramics. As for me it is an amazing opportunity for students of every country, because you can closer know the culture of the Japanese people through the cultures of the ancient people.

East Russia-Japan expert education program.

East Russian-Japan expert education program was held in Hokkaido University in Sapporo-city from the August 26th, 2019 till the August 30th, 2019. Students were divided into 7 groups, each group had representatives from different countries to have international exchanges between the participants during the time of the discussion. Everyday we had about 3-4 lectures and than made a group presentation with our opinions on the problems that were lightened. On my way of thinking the most interesting lecture for Russian participation part was “Waste Management”. In fact, unfortunately there is no recycling landfills in Russia, I guess all the participants should use every opportunity to improve the situation in our hometowns. We can win ecology grants, talk to our mayors and show them experience of the Japan. Japanese scientists are interested in sustainable environment of Far East, so our countries can collaborate on this issues to make our planet beautiful and clean together.