
2019年度 NJE3

Experience in Long-term program

Kalinina Vasilisa

Home University: Irkutsk State University

Graduate school: Graduate School of Letters
Course・Year: Master Course 1
Period of time: 26th of August – 1st of March
Host University: Hokkaido University
FY2018 Basic Subjects

Introduction of My Research Thesis

My research is dedicated to difficulties of manga translation. I am interested in how different genre of manga have different peculiarities and how they affect further translation. Due to globalization, many cultural phenomena have been borrowed and Japanese comics are no exception. Rapid spread and the increasing popularity of manga all over the world (and Russia is no exception) determine the relevance of studying the problems in the translation. In Japan I got the materials to analyze and used rich library sources for continuing my study.

What I Learned (Studied) in Hokkaido University

In Hokkaido University, I studied many different subjects as history, politics, ecology etc. My major is linguistics, so I did not know much about the topics that we were talking about, but it became the most interesting part. I got a chance to broad my horizons by learning things that I never imagined myself studying. Professors and students of Hokkaido University were trying their best to share their studies, explain what are their subjects all about and that’s why it was that engaging. I heard about world ecological problems, immigration, and political situation in Japan etc. Also in first weeks we visited different museums of Hokkaido and I was fascinated by the fact that Japan and Russia have many things in common (for example, flaura and fauna). (pic of bear) I gained some cultural experience from the beginning, even when we were eating Japanese food with Japanese students. I think that undoubtedly, for everyone, living and studying in foreign country can not pass without the trace, but living in Sapporo and studying in Hokkaido University was fascinating experience to me.

How I would you like to use my achievement/experience/result of the study in Hokkaido University (RJE3 Program) for my future research and career

Since my major is linguistics, Japanese and English, in Japan I was focusing on improving my language skills while studying. I was thinking about working as an interpreter in the future, so it was a good chance to practice and raise my level of speaking, writing and so on. Additionally, I got certificates of studying abroad, having an internship in Marriott hotels which are good for my resume and future job hunting. Moreover, I am interested in entering Master course in Japan now, because I saw how education system worked and I would like to continue study there if I had a chance.

Other Comments

It would be nice if every international student has a Japanese student as a tutor to help him or her to socialize, solve some everyday problems and simply someone to ask about Japanese language, culture etc.