Hokkaido University, Graduate school of Engineering,Doctor2
Period:16th February 2021~20th February 2021
REJ3 Participating in the “basic subjects” online class of the RJE3 program contributes a lot to my research. The RJE3 Program is in the fields of sustainable environment, sustainable culture, and sustainable development in the Far East and the Arctic Circle. Winter city is one of my research subjects and developing a comfortable and sustainable open space environment for pedestrian in winter city is the aim of my research. Having this class and working with other students from Russian could give me a broader research perspective and enrich my experience in my research.
Through 3 days of the forum, I have an awesome experience. The contents of every participants’ presentation are very interesting. There are many kinds of research fields in this forum from different countries. It is conducive to the communication between different research fields and opens up my horizon.

As for my presentation, it is a precious opportunity to show my research to all the professors and students from other countries. After my presentation, professors and students comment on my presentation friendly. A Russian students’ comment impressed me most. He mentioned the relative research in Russian, and point out the difference between my research in Hangzhou China and Russian research. It is really helpful for my future study and makes me focus on the objectives of my research.

Russian student is asking a question for me and I am answering it.

The lectures of professors are very academic and professional but easy to understand. Professors always use plenty of pictures and explain them with accurate simple words. It inspired me how to improve my presentation. The presentations of other students are also attractive. Some of them presented research about their graduation design work. Some presented research on architecture theory. Although we are from different countries, I find it surprising that we have experienced some similar training in architecture design. The forum this year is special, because of COVID-19 spreading through the world. An online forum not only avoids infections between participants but also saves traveling time and cost. All the presentations are recorded and uploaded on a public website. Anyone could watch them. But there are still some inconveniences caused by the online forum. The communication between professors is passionate, but there is few communication between students. And some embarrassing moment caused by the bad network. I wish next year’s forum could be held in Russia and every participant could come there and communicate with each other face to face.