
2018年度 NJE3

Experience in Long-term Program

Dmitrii Ponomarev

Doctor 3,Sakhalin State University, Russian Federation

Period of study in Hokkaido University: August 2017-February 2018

Program description

The RJE-3 program is designed for graduates and postgraduate students. The goal of the program is to train experts in Russian-Japanese relations. In the process of learning, students are offered a choice of several courses in a different orientation in Japanese and English. The program also provides for various activities aimed at establishing business and friendly relations between residents of Russia and Japan. Most of the courses offered in the program are devoted to the study of the indigenous inhabitants of the Far East and Eastern Siberia in various aspects – archaeological, linguistic, cultural. In addition, there are courses on the History of Russia, international relations and economic geography. Teaching is conducted at a high level and corresponds to the stated goals of the program.

Experiences in Japan

Stay in Japan turned out to be interesting and fascinating. In addition to the training process itself, I acquired many new friends and contacts both among Russian students and among foreign students and teachers, made some excellent trips around Japan, visited several cities, among them the Japanese capital, Tokyo. I also got acquainted with various aspects of life in Japan. The experience that I acquired during my time in Japan now I use in my lectures at the Sakhalin State University.


In this section, I would like to express the wish for the compilers and organizers of the program. It would be very nice if in the process of the program students had the opportunity to conduct scientific activities within the framework of their discipline, which would make the program RJE-3 even more interesting.

Discussion of the presentation. August 2017
«RJE3 Office Hours (Russian Cafe)»
Premiere of “Star Wars” in Sapporo. December 2017