Experience in Japan
Elena Lugovskaia
Sakhalin State University
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics
Postgraduate 1
Period of time :18 August, 2018 ~ 01 September, 2018
Host University: Hokkaido University
FY2018 Basic Subjects
This year I took part in Field training of environmental science in the Arctic and Development technologies in cold district. We had some lectures and seminars in Sapporo (in local government) and also we visited Yubari, Niseko and Eniwa. All these places are very important to understand the way how Japanese authorities develop Japanese towns and how important are close international relations.
During this program I have learned a lot about sustainable development in Japan, cultural and religious features of northern people, differences and similarities in economy, culture, construction of Japan and Russia.

After the course I have made a presentation using knowledge that I got during the program. I’m sure that the information I’ve learned gives me good opportunity to save and improve international relations between Japan and Russia.
Most of all I liked the trip to Eniwa City. There we visited the Kasiwa Community center which was built for the citizens in 2016. I was very impressed by this building, its unusual modern design and construction. I was fascinated by the 100-meters corridor of the books, wonderful windows and surrounding nature. Coming to this center children can perform different types of activities – from reading books to playing football. Senior citizens can read newspapers and magazines and get to know the latest news.

Schoolchildren can come to this center after studies and do their homework. The atmosphere in this center is full of kindness, warmth and friendliness. I wish that in my hometown we will have the same Community center.
Also we visited Coal mine Museum in Yubari. In the past Yubari was the capital of coal. In 1990 the last colliery was closed and population greatly decreased. The city went into bankruptcy. in 2011 the country’s youngest mayor of Yubari Naomichi Suzuki was elected. He began the policy of revitalization. He paid 70 % of his salary to the municipal purse, he was succeed in export of melons (the sweetest melons in the world). The most drastic measure has been the forced relocation of hundreds of residents from public housing on the city’s outskirts to blocks of new, low-rise apartments.

I want to say thank you for opportunity to participate in RJE3 program. For me it was wonderful experience of education and travelling. Also I want to give thanks to professor Setoguchi and the stuff of Student Exchange Division of Academic Affairs Department.