
2024年度 PARE

PARE スプリングスクール2023

Ezeaku Victor Ikemefuna

北海道大学大学院農学院 修士2年

Joining PARE Spring school was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Travelling for me is an interesting aspect of education.

I am Ezeaku, Victor Ikemefuna, a second-year master’s student of soil science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Japan. I was so happy to Join OGGs PARE program because I have a deep yearning to explore and learn new things about the environment and Sustainability and PARE spring school changed my life in most enriching ways.

My Journey of PARE spring school started on February 2023 at Institute of Technology Bandung. We were different people from universities selected from Japan, Thailand, Indonesia. On the first day when we arrived in Indonesia, we learnt about Indonesia culture, also we were grouped to make country presentations about rivers, and we realized all the countries are faced with same challenges and problems of water issues. We tried to solve the problem facing Cimanuk river at Indonesia.

PARE team at PARE spring school was well organized, the lectures, presentations, videos and file data was shared through google drive which made everything easy for students. The professors were so friendly, for me OGGs Professors are the best, they made every day so fun for us and I really enjoyed every passing day.

I am proud to be a PARE alumni and is a program I will encourage graduate students at Hokkaido university to participate. It will shape them in most enriching way to be a global leader of the societies who will contribute to solving environmental problems in Future.