
2019年度 PARE


Chaerun Raudhatul Islam

北海道大学大学院工学院 博士1年

PARE program granted me an excellent opportunity to join a fruitful experience in the spring of 2020 in Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and winter of 2021 in Hokkaido University, Japan. I have experienced the PARE program in different countries, which they have shown the different objective and goal to solve social and environmental problems.  Thus, each country proved very beneficial for PARE students to view and learn about different aspects of their study in different areas. Therefore, I feel incredibly fortunate and privileged to be able to join the PARE program.

The basic ideas behind the PARE program are field research capability, cross-cultural interaction and teamwork, frontiers self-spirit, and problem-solving competencies among the different universities in South East Asian countries and Japan. These unique ideas are crucial for the improvement of my research and work in the future.   


PARE program had given me excellent courses, which I can learn from basic to advanced environmental studies of each country’s situation. The lecturers had taught me clear and well-detailed information, which I am able to understand easily. I have also learned various subjects from the PARE program, such as animal and plant ecology, environment soil and science, water remediation, material and science, and meteorology studies.  The lecturers were very energetic and passionate when explaining their studies, which have been a big of my inspiration in the PARE program.

  Furthermore, during course discussion, each group was mixed and contained various students who belong to different universities and countries with unique background studies. Therefore, I can expand my cross-cultural understanding, learn their background studies, and improved my teamwork skills.

Field experiment

The experience in the field experiment was fantastic! I was able to experience field experiments under cold and hot weather in Hokkaido and Thailand. PARE program had motivated me to learn not only from the courses but also in-situ experience of the field experiment. The experiment was performed in various location and used actual experimental equipment for obtaining the analysis data. The analysis data will be used for critical discussing and solving the environmental problem with the group.  In addition, during the visiting experiment location, I was also able to visit many museums, which were described the environmental condition of the experiment site.


After I have joined the pare program, I have improved my field research, communication, analytical and critical thinking, and teamwork skills. These skills will definitely support me for a better future career.